Pastor, Entrepreneur, Health Coach,
Motivational Speaker, Author, Revivalist!
"When you know you were born for FIRE, SMOKE will never do."
Marty Darracott has traveled the globe bringing help, health and hope to the body of Christ. Since 2001, Marty has served as a Conference Speaker, Conference Host and Leadership Consultant, while serving faithfully in the local church. He brings intense passion with his high energy presentation of the Gospel. He operates with a “long-haul” ministry mentality coupled with a heart to lead a GREAT AWAKENING in today’s culture. Using an innovative, often comedic, yet profound presentation, Marty’s honest and upfront approach brings a fresh viewpoint and clarity to life’s issues.
Marty currently serves as Executive Pastor at Christ Fellowship Church in Dawsonville, GA, home of the North Georgia Revival. Marty has been instrumental in the revival and has been a vital part of the baptismal team that has seen over 39,000 people baptized since the Lord sent revival in February of 2018.
Marty and his wife Paula have two beautiful girls, Madison and Carson.

Marty Darracott